Saturday, December 24, 2011


I know I haven't written for awhile but I have to take this opportunity this Christmas Eve to share my love for the Word EMMANUEL and the person of Jesus Christ. The meaning of the word says it all....God with us. What can be better than that!! We know that He is with us because of Jesus coming and leaving us His Spirit.

Emmanuel has been on my heart so much, that this year I decorated my mantel with it. Here's a peek.

EMMANUEL!! The all-powerful, all-knowing God is with us!!

Merry Christmas to you all!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL....FEAR. That is my biggest enemy. I heard that acronym many years ago. What is it about life that is so scary? The unknown, the known things that COULD happen, the unexpected things that DO happen. You know that feeling you get and you know it is fear raising it's ugly head.

For some reason I have been meditating on this again. Another quote from Ann Voskamp..."Fear keeps a life small." I hate to admit how true that can be. You know, things happen in people's lives that bend them more toward fear. I would know because I am one of them. So I've been thinking lately how much I want to live a large life!! And I know that this is why Christ came....that we might live life abundantly!! (John 10:10)

So what does living a LARGE life look like? It has alot to do with trust. Trusting in the One who made us, redeemed us, lives in us, has gone before us, and is FOR us!!
So why is it so hard to trust? I'm still working on this, but I'm seeing again that it is all about who we believe God really is. Who is He to you?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Time Flies When You're.....Raisin' Kids

I've been wanting to introduce you to my wonderful kids. Last month we celebrated Josh (31st) and Danny's (21st) birthdays. How can I have a son 31 years old? We were just covortin' around together, just the two of us. And what happened to my little red-headed boo-boo? (that does not mean he was a mistake...just a crazy nickname!) Our other son, David, is 16 and behind the wheel!! How did that happen? Wasn't he just 4 lbs. 7 oz not so long ago? I am so blessed!! These 3 young men make a mama proud!! Josh is married to beautiful, inside and out, Erin and expecting their 1st child. Yea!!! Danny is working hard putting himself through school. He is persevering big time!! David and I see quite abit of each other since he is a junior homeschooling. Due to his co-op, saxophone lessons, youth group and being with friends, we spend lots of car time together. Just tonight we were talking about the will of God and expecting heaven to be here on earth. All of my boys are insigthtful and are critical thinkers. They truly are a blessing from God. Here is Danny and Josh.

David....he loves animals!

Josh and Erin

My daughters, Jodi and Jeri, are both married to great guys, Kevin and Joel. I am so proud of Jodi as a young mom. She puts her heart into raising her 2 kiddos, Riley(5) and Connor(2). I wish I was as good of a Mom as she is when I was her age. Kevin is a great asset to our family. He is a good leader for their home.

Kevin, Jodi, Riley, and Connor

Jeri has been working hard as a nanny for several years while Joel completed PA school. She is now taking classes while he works. They have a great marriage and I see them growing as a couple and individuals.

Joel and Jeri

Jeanie is our youngest daughter.(18) She has started college and wants to be an elementary teacher. Jeanie is calm, takes life seriously, and likes to have fun!! I enjoy seeing her pursue God with her friends.
Jeanie in Chicago

I just realized this sounds like a Christmas newsletter, which I personally don't care much for. I have never written one. But I just wanted anyone who might stumble across this blog to see how blessed I am with my 6 kids.

So where has the time gone? I don't know how to answer that accept it is gone!! 33 years of marriage and 31 of motherhood. I remember people saying to enjoy the years of colicky babies and sleepless nights because before you know it your kids will be raised and gone. At the time, it seemed it would never change. Those nights were long!! But here I am with 3 married and out of the house already. I also remember my Mom saying it seems time goes quicker every year. Now I know what she meant. Young or old, we all need to embrace the moment and be thankful for what God has given today.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What do I DOOOO?

I just finished One Thousand Gifts and am struck by the fact that our walk in Christ is filled with action....GIVE thanks....WALK in love....BE merciful...
LIVE fully...and one of my favorites, that this book boils down to is....

"KEEP your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."
Proverbs 4:23

If I could just keep a grateful heart, so many things would be taken care of. Another thing is that it is soooo daily!! Yesterday, I messed up, but today is new and I get another try at it. This is why I made this and hung it on our family room wall where I see it often.

Remember that line from The Kid? (love that movie!) His kid-self shows up and wants to know what he ends up doing for a job as a grown-up, so he's asking his grown-up self "what do I dooooo?"

I say... KEEP YOUR HEART GRATEFUL!!! And by the way, I have started my list of one thousand gifts. You should, too!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

All of Life.....a Gift

I've been reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand is a gift to me. Not a totally new message, but a needed reminder and clarification in many areas. She takes you on an interesting journey beginning with gratefulness and taking you through belief, trust, humility and pride. She is very insightful and writes beautifully. A little hard for me to comprehend at times, so for me I am taking it slowly...trying to get what God has for me out of this book. (or maybe I'm just slo-o-o-o-o-o-o-w) I was already thinking about gratefulness before my daughter introduced me to Voskamp's thankfulness takes care of many besetting sins like lack of contentment, jealousy and anger. I've know for a long while that to be grateful is a good thing and God is worthy of our praise, but Ann points out how things like joy, grace and peace show up in giving thanks. Now I am understanding the connections better. Another point that she makes is that it can be learned...praise the Lord!! I only wish I could have learned this alot sooner and would have been a better example for my children. But God is gracious and alot bigger than I give Him credit for. He can restore the years the locust have eaten ,(Joel 2:25) a prayer I have prayed many times, and He can help my children learn gratefulness, too.

For those of you wanting to follow my blog, you'll probably hear about other books because I read alot to keep my heart pointed in the right direction. I will try to have a new post weekly. Maybe more often, if time allows!!
Give thanks!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Introducing......Papa Dan

most recent photo

That's my hubby's nickname at the firestation. Has been for sometime now. He hired on there when our Jeri was 1 year old...over 20 years ago. He is...what shall I say? DA MAN!!! He is my man that God gave me 33 years ago. And I will say that I haven't always appreciated him as I should. He is a DIY'er, (everything from fixing our autos to plumbing to putting in windows) has a strong work ethic, a great father to our 6 kids, caring and generous. (more generous than myself, I hate to admit, but true) He tries to listen and understand me....quite a feat! He is a helper...wait a minute, aren't I suppose to be his helper? He helps anyone and everyone, including me. Right now he is getting our house ready for his Mom to move in...helping her big time!! He loves gardening and the simple way of living. His 10 hens and rooster are testimony to that. And all in the city. Of course he has his weaknesses, lest you compare him to your husband. But I will leave that with the Lord.

wedding day photo

When my granddaughter, Riley, (5) was here yesterday, I showed her our wedding picture. Two great things happened. 1-She said "oh, beautiful.....your dress is darling!" That came out of the mouth of a 5 year old!! AND 2-I thought of how grateful I am to be able to still be married after 33 years and that I am able to be an example to her. Our God has been faithful to keep us through the years. To the young wives out there-----it is worth the fight, the working through your differences. To be able to stand as a married couple before your grandchildren someday. It is a type of hope you can give them. "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me." Psalm 54:4 Thank you, Honey, for battling through with me and for who you are!!

The Real Reason.....

ok...I just remembered the real reason for this blog is to do something constructive when I can't sleep......... AND what menopause REALLY means is "to pause from sleeping in the middle of the night!"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why blog?

Yikes!! My daughter has beat me to the punch by mentioning that I have a blog! I realized I'd better get something on this here blog for you all to read! Why blog? That is the question I had to answer for myself when it kept coming to my mind. I have been a follower of Jesus long enough to know that when something keeps coming to your mind, you should stop and think on it and then act accordingly. I'm not really too big on the computer and technology like some folks are, but have come to realize that it is a tool that can be used for good. In our small group from our church, we were recently discussing the desire to share and be known. I believe God made us all that way. He created us all so uniquely that we can learn and benefit from each other. To me, blogging is a journal of sorts. Of course, I don't want to get too might freak out my kids. Heaven forbid that I embarrass them!! I've also realized that I have value just like everyone else and after 50 some years on this earth, I have a story to share. I have enjoyed hearing other peoples stories and have been inspired and encouraged from books, movies, testimonies at church, conversations with friends and family, and yes, even blogs. I pray God will help me to do that with this blog. So, if you find yourself helped, even the least tiny bit, pass it on to your friends!! Thanks for stoppin' in!!